getting message all the time - BOGOF, 1/2 price, sale etc - receiving between 5,000 - 6,000 messages a day, each.
difficult to get yourself heard above all the visual noise
How and WHAT will you do this?
This lists a number of methods that you should consider when you want to promote yourself, a checklist
(personal selling you should do every time) - you should be doing some public relations so that you affect the way people feel about what you are promoting.
Wasnt on the checklist because it is insn't a method in iteself, it is a means of communication, it is a place/conduat - it isnt a way of marketing yourself. You can do may things on the itnernet but publisiing yourlsef should NOT be one of them
0) DO NOTHING - there are plenty of people who don't anything and expect things to come to them - then you'll get nothing
- memorable business card - never go anywhere without one - make sure that they have something about what you do/make it something memorable
- advertising
- events
- radion interview
- write articles - for an article for a magazine you read, write about something you know really well, you know who the type of people are who read that magazine.
- run a blog - visit other blogs and make meaningful contributions - get seen
- exploit social media
- publicity - good publicity.
- BUILD THEIR INTEREST - where they can be drawn into you
- Website
- portfolio
- information packs
- curation - make an event but make sure that you are curated for this so it is not just your work but the way in which you work and put together work.
- exhibitions
- artists statement - value statement, mission statement - anything that shows what your values are and what direction you are heading in.
- recommendations - testimonials on your website from other people (from work placements) - use the best of them on your early websites.
- testimonials
- awards
- communicate engagement - you deliver, have trust and you care
- professional bodies - worth perusing - achieved a certain standard of work that is sufficient to satisfy a group of peers.
- charity events. - similar to community engagement - shows a level of commitment e.g. run and raise money for a charity.
- value Proposition - have a look at their website and see what they are wanting and what matters to them
- pricing strategies - how they are going to pay you - partnership - how you price the work for them, you do this by doing a bit of mind reading and listening
- Packaging - the services that you wrap around the what you are buying from you, just at the point you think they may be wavering, you throw in what you have up your sleeve - do something more etc
- try before you buy - do a small job for of the most difficult thing is to produce college/uni perspectives - throw in something on the side just to get the big job
- recommendations - say that 'if you are in doubt, then go talk to this person and just have a chat with them' etc
- differentiation - its who you are and how you do business - you think alike, you have chemistry etc.
- CLOSE THE SALE - not about telling them any more, this is the point where you say
- Convenience - "OK, is there any way that I could make this more convenient to you, is there anything you need to be done to make this more productive for you..."
- buy it now - find out what is stopping them from choosing you e.g. another person in the picture
- Right place; the right time
- Delivery
- Personal selling - sitting down face to face when it is big job and there is alot of money involved you have got your client right to that point...
- Interactve website - help make it feel like a personal sale, but put all the questions to them and let them convince themselves that this is what they want to do, you have to ask them and let them decide
- REINFORCE - continue to tell them its a good decision
- After sale service - make reasons to call them how they are doing, if they had problems with the last piece of work, even after they have paid
- Advertising -
- Public Relations - engadge with public relations so that you are still in tenir face
- Longevity - re-assures them constantly.
- Merchandising
- Maintaining contact
- Building relationships
JOHNNY CUPCAKES - example of re-inforcement
- no art or design education and claims to have no business training
- created brand of T-shirts with a shop in LA and New York and maybe now LONDON
- The TOUR is all about re-cooling the brand and re-assuring that he is still doing lots of special new stuff
- For a period of time he can get people watching his party videos to re-enforce it
AIDA - well known long established - ATTENTION, INTEREST, DESIRE, ACTION
(when you do the presentation it will be good to see some of these being put forward - to show that you understand some of the steps, shows how you will get there attention)
WHO - they are every body
It is not appropriate to say that your product/service is available to everybody - there is no such thing these days
Until you tailer yourself to a particular market you will not get success
The best people want a specialist
Used to be WHAT, WHERE but the key is WHO - FACEBOOK - target adds shown depending on your 'interest' section. Its let you minimise spamming.
When you see that items are on sale they appeal to LATENT DEMAND - try to tap into this when you are advertising - now you can show adds to very specific demands. You may want to show a DIFFERENT message to DIFFERENT groups of people...
e.g. STUDENTS - not a defined market - everyone is different, that is just an age group - e.g. students between the age of 20-22 who study ....and enjoy....
Advertising used to come to us - we used to hunt stuff down e.g. Yellow Pages - now adverts find us...
- How do we define customers?
People are so complex, our lives are rich and complex that it is almost impossible to target people accurately.
[LOOK AT THE SLIDE WITH MUM & KIDS] - Market Segmentation
Number of people who are trying to get her attention - many products, may overlap
Different aspect of characters attract different types of things
- Magazines
- Radio/tv
- internet
- social media
- trade magazines
- public space advertising
- parish Magazine
Knowing where customers go for information tells you how to reach them .
B2B - BUSINESS TO BUSINESS - make it personal though.
- Sales director, marketing manager, brand manager, product designer
- communications - internal, external
- Employer - training, working environment, CPD
- Specialist industry - competitive, new ideas, trends
- MEDIA USAGE - more defined in this area - be CLEAR WHO
- specialist industry magazines
- marketing magazines
- business magazines
- radio - in the car
- airline magazines
- industry exhibitions
- conferences
- networking events
- broadsheet newspapers.
CONSUMER SEGMENTATION - every consumer is wearing ALOT of different hats, make sure that when you are getting a message across to them that they are wearing the right hat at the right time.
One MISTAKE - assuming that the person you are trying to reach are reading the same type of magazines etc as you.
- demographics - look at facts and figures e.g. male/female, occupation, earning
- geographical - where they are
- lifestyle choices
- media usage
- the marketing communication mix
- 6 stages of effective communications
- How to target a market using segmentation
- The difference between consumers and B2B market.
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