Thursday, 22 December 2011

Task 5 // Propose Position Statement

Write 10 short but informative statements that identify your disctictive 'positioning' as a Graphic Designer. You should consider your ambitions, skills and areas of creative interest in relation to the market, your clients, competition and possible collaborators and should be based on the information that you have collected in response to the set tasks. 
You will need to compare a list of your skills and services against customer / client needs to those of your competitors, this should help you determine how your company in unique.


Branding / Identity
Design For Print
Advertising / Promotion
Music / Events / Festivals / Artists Artwork
Health & Beauty / Cosmetics
Food Industry
Clothing Prints
Photography / Photo Editing
Fashion - adverts / publishing / editorial
Animation - open sequences to films

When I leave University I would like to be able to work in a small design studio (4-8 people) because you would be part of a smaller and closer creative team. Although I feel I work well on my own and could work on a Freelance basis, I feel that ideas and designs become stronger when working as part of a team. 

While still at University and any chance that I can get I would like to gain Industrial Experience in small creative Graphic Design studios that work with a variation of clients on different projects. From this I can see how the Industry works on a closer basis, and gain a wide set of skills. I would also like to build up a list of contacts and design studios whilst still here. 

I think that it is very important to keep an ongoing investigation into new opportunities and other people around you in the designer world - people I can be in touch with, people I can be influenced and learn from and also to be in the know of the ever changing design world and all the possibilities and competition that is out there. Every little piece of information and experience contributes to progress and this is something that I will continue to keep up throughout my design career. 

Upon Graduating, I would very much like to work for a design studio in London - I feel that this is the heart of the creative industry in England, it is easily accessible and surrounded by influences, clients and opportunities. Later on after gaining experience with clients and the design industry I would like to work abroad; potential in America in cities such as New York. 

I have always been creative, studying Fine Art until A-Level where I developed a very loose, vibrant and bold style. I have continued this into Graphic Design to a certain extent but I would like improve on this more and make my designs more creative and innovative and hence have a more distinctive style like I did when I was at school. I feel that I can push the creativity in my designs a lot further and this is something I want to do whilst still on this course. 

I am interested in working in Advertising, Branding / Identity, Packaging / Promotion. I am very interested in Designing for the Printed sector. I have two main passion areas outside Graphic Design which are Music and Health / Beauty (Food, cosmetics, beauty products). I would love to be able to get the chance to work in a Design Studio that worked with clients in this sector. I have always paid close attention to the branding, identity, advertising, promotion and packaging within these areas and I have always aspired to work in these areas. 

I have a large interest in Photography which I feel that I have not explored and used enough since being on this course. I first became interested in Graphic Design through Photography - looking at the fashion adverts and felt that it was a combination of expert photography and typography skills that 'made' that adverts. I for the remaining time on this course I want to start integrating and exploring more ways to use this set of skills in my work as a large part of Graphic Design involves Photography. 

I would love to collaborated with another designer or someone who had a body of experience in the industry; I would like them to have the same common interests to work in such as Music, Health & Beauty etc but for us also to have different strengths in Designing because I feel that this way we would both be bringing something different to the table and creating a stronger all round set of design skills e.g. Screen based design and Print Based Design. I would also like us to have different experiences in Design, this could be in realtion to clients, places of work (countries & cities), and design areas such as publishing, branding or advertising etc. 

As well as working in a team of designers, the ability to work successfuly independanty is a huge part of being successful, which ever industry a person choses to work in. For me, working on a free-lance basis is something I need to become confident in; getting notices, becoming involved in the deisgn world and being successful. While I am still at University I need to start getting involved in Live Briefs so to get work notices and building up a strong portfolio; and also to give me more confidence as an independent designer. 

My ambitions is one day to own / run a design studio / company or to be the senior designer of a   company in the health / beauty sector or the music industry. Although I am a while off achieving this, to get there I would like to be able to experience every part that makes a successful design team and being able to bring together all these skills, whatever it takes. 

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